
Assalamu Alaikum!

Every year, a UNC MSA alumnus will be fully sponsoring an undergraduate student to go on a life-changing trip to Mecca and Medina to perform Umrah. The scholarship is only available to current Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Priority will be given to students who have not performed Umrah in the past 5 years and who do not have the financial means to go on Umrah. Regardless, we encourage EVERYBODY to apply!

Application Deadline: December 16, 2023

Trip Dates: January 3-12, 2024*

*Please note that these dates do not perfectly align with UNC Winter Break

2020 Recipients

Congratulations to our scholarship recipients,

Lubna Heikal ‘21 and Kayla Rodrigues ‘22


Hear from past recipients!

“My stay in Medina, the second holiest city in Islam and the burial place of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was nothing short of a euphoric experience.” - Lubna Hassan ‘21

Scholarship Overview

The Scholarship will cover the cost for a student to participate in the annual ICNYU Umrah trip. In addition to what is provided in the Umrah package, this scholarship will also cover round trip airfare from the student’s hometown to New York. This week long trip is organized annually by the Islamic Center at NYU (ICNYU). The majority of participants on the trip will be students from NYU and the Ivy League schools, so this trip will be a great way to make new friends and build lifelong bonds with other Muslim students from across the country. The ICNYU Umrah trip includes round-trip airfare from New York to Saudi Arabia, full accommodations in Mecca and Medina, and daily halaqas, classes, and tours with prominent Muslim scholars. For more details, visit

The Umrah Package

  • Four nights accommodation in Madinah at a 5-star hotel and four nights accommodation in Mecca

  • Daily classes, halaqas, and organized trips to the Prophet’s Mosque

  • Half-day sightseeing trip of the Madina “Mazarat”: A guided tour of Islam’s most sacred sites and more!

Traveling Without A Mahram

We strongly encourage all female applicants to apply to the scholarship, as ICNYU has been successful in acquiring approval for individuals to travel without a mahram.

The Application Process

The 2023-2024 Umrah Application is open. The deadline to apply is Saturday December 16, 2024 at 11:59 PM.

Remember: the application is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, and you must have valid travel documentation.


  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee from the UNC MSA Alumni Board, NOT the current Shurah.

  • Alumni committee members will not have access to any personally identifying information such as name, address, email address, or phone number as asked for on the application.

  • Applicants will be informed of a decision within 1 week after the deadline.

  • The application process is completely anonymous


  • Applicants will be informed of a decision within one week after the deadline.

  • The selected recipient will have pre- and post-trip obligations, such as sharing photo documentation and highlights from the trip with fellow peers once returning from the trip (more detailed obligations can be found in the official Umrah Application).


If you are interested in donating to the scholarship fund or have questions about the application, process, trip details, etc. please email to get in contact with a UNC MSA Alumni committee member.